The Meaning & Difference of HTTP and HTTPS, Along with the Benefits of Using it

Do you like the world of the internet? Or even currently managing a website? If you are involved in the internet world, you will not be a stranger when you hear the terms HTTP and HTTPS, right.

But even though you often hear it, I'm sure there are still many of you who don't know for sure what HTTP and HTTPS are in detail. For this reason, on this occasion, I will try to explain what HTTP and HTTPS are, the differences between the two as well as their functions.

What is HTTP dan HTTPS

Even though at first glance they sound almost the same and only differ in the final letters, HTTP and HTTPS are actually very different and have a significant impact on a website. Before we go deeper into the differences between HTTP and HTTPS, of course it's good to first identify what these two terms actually mean.

HTTP Meaning

From the term he said, HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) has the meaning as a request or response protocol based on the client or server communication mode.

In simple language, HTTP can be explained as a protocol that regulates communication between clients and servers. The client here is what is meant in this connection is a web browser or other device capable of accessing, receiving, and displaying content on the web.

So the process client will send a message to the server which has HTML content and responds with a response which contains HTML content. This activity is regulated in a protocol called HTTP.

HTTPS Meaning

Then HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) corresponds to an additional 1 letter S which means Secure or safe, then HTTPS is a more secure version of HTTP, which was developed by Netscape Communication in 1993. HTTPS is implemented with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) which in the end has been updated to become TLS (Transport Layer Security).

In its development, most websites have implemented HTTPS as a standard. A web browser integrated with HTTPS requires an SSL Certificate to authenticate the server or website. The use of the HTTPS protocol is usually indicated by a padlock icon to the left of the address bar.

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS

The difference between HTTP and HTTPS is basically on the security side. This becomes very important related to data security from a website.

The basic difference between the two is:

1. Data Security Between Client and Server

Regarding data security between the client and the server, there is no guarantee in the HTTP system. While HTTPS already has a guaranteed security protocol that makes website data more secure.

HTTPS can handle data security issues through three methods, namely server authentication, data confidentiality through encryption, and data integrity.

2. Differences in Port Use and SSL

Both have differences in the use of ports, HTTP uses port 80 and HTTPS uses port 443. Both HTTP and HTTPS have the same client-server protocol, but differ by requiring an SSL certificate on HTTPS.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) which, as already mentioned, has a duty in security to encrypt data that is transmitted between the client and server.

Advantages of HTTPS Over HTTP

From a brief explanation of what it is as well as the difference between HTTP and HTTPS, it is clear that HTTPS has now become a standard and seems mandatory for website and blog owners. Data and transaction security is guaranteed because the website is fortified with an HTTPS security system.

Securing data and transactions on the website with encryption, including for passwords and others. Increase the level of trust of website visitors with a green color which is usually found in the address bar and icons.

Besides that, it can make your website get priority in getting a better SEO ranking on Google search pages.

So that's a glimpse of the difference between HTTP and HTTPS along with the advantages of using HTTPS over HTTP for your website.

Happy Working !!